At AlgoTx we develop novel non-opioid solutions to relieve patients with difficult-to-treat ‘Complex Pain’.
We do so by prioritizing indications that have no proven and approved therapy, and tailoring treatment to the very specific needs of the affected patients.
Our lead program ATX01 is currently in Phase 2 clinical development in Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy: The “ACT” study is in progress in the US and Europe. In addition, a Phase 2 study of ATX01 in a rare and painful disease, erythromelalgia, is under way in the US and Germany.
ATX01’s topical administration enables the direct blockade of pain messaging in the sensory neurons of the skin transmitting the pain from the periphery to the central nervous system, limits the potential systemic side-effects associated with oral or intravenous drugs, and minimizes the risk of drug interactions, delivering better patient benefits.